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MTZ Shipping & Logistics

MTZ Logistics stands at the forefront of the logistics industry as a premier third-party logistics company, boasting a rich history of almost 13 years of unparalleled expertise. Our strategic presence along the international Silk Road positions us as a reliable partner committed to delivering trust and quality in every facet of our operations.

Over the years, our commitment to operational excellence has solidified, offering a comprehensive suite of logistics solutions that span various modes of transport – road, sea, air, and rail. Our specialized services include free and bonded warehouse management, micro-distribution, project transportation, customs clearance, and cutting-edge information technology, all meticulously designed to ensure efficiency and precision in every operation.

At MTZ Logistics, we understand the dynamic nature of global trade and supply chains. Our team of seasoned professionals is dedicated to providing tailored solutions to meet the evolving needs of our clients. Whether it's ensuring timely deliveries, optimizing supply chain processes, or navigating complex customs procedures, we pride ourselves on delivering results that exceed expectations.

Our Services

  • Highway Transports
  • Airways Transporting
  • Maritime Transport
  • Rail Freight
  • Intermodal Transportation
  • Project Transportation
  • Storage Services
  • Customs Services